Ultimate Famas Masterclass & Aim Training Guide. Mnk & Controller - The Finals


Which can severely, hurt your accuracy by spreading the burst of your bullets too far apart making you do one to 2/3 of damage you would have done if you have Auto Sprint on I suggest that you have a point4 delay on it so that you can at least hit the first two bursts before the Sprint kicks in to further negate this you can even switch directions when the Sprint activates, to reset the timer this is pretty much the same at close ranges for both inputs you're going to be strafing and crouching to be as elusive as possible while using Dynamic aim to maintain centering on the target you can practice this with a warmup I have on my aim training guide 2.0 article that I have linked up here in the corner by finding a Target getting into close range and move around the target while in hipfire maintaining centering at all costs do this for 5 minutes.

I highly recommend that you make your center dot as small as possible and lower its opacity to barely visible so that you can get used to aiming and centering the target rather than relying on the reticle. This is what we call modeling, and you're going to be using it quite frequently in this routine because, in the finals, as long as the target is in the center of your screen, even if your reticle isn't, you'll hit your shots.


Obviously, this won't work for projectile weapons, but for every other weapon in the game, besides melee, this holds true. As for this warm-up, it'll be done the same way on the controller as well as M&K. For the next scenario, we have mid-range engagements. And this is where the inputs start to differ because depending on which one you use will dictate how you will strafe and how much freedom of movement you have in order to pump out consistent DPS on the target, but there is one thing I want you to keep in mind regardless of which one you use and that is to really Focus again on model aiming like I stated before you want to be focusing on the target rather than the reticle while aiming down sights being that the Famas just like the lh1, while an ads has one of the most obnoxious iron sights in the game and is more distracting rather than helpful so this type of aiming will help you look past the iron sights and allow you to focus on what is important, aka the Target.

famas guide

Now let's start with M. And K i've come to find that strafing in One Direction and firing your burst is the most optimal way to land the majority of your shots this will keep each burst compact allowing almost all the bullets to hit accurately if you strafe left to right at a very fast pace it will cause each burst to lose its compact form making it seem like this weapon is doing very little damage because of the increased bullet dispersion, so if you do want to strafe back and forth, make sure to switch Direction after firing the burst rather than while firing the burst and make sure each strafe is around 2 seconds long to practice this we are going to go to the firing range and one clip the closest moving Target 10 times while counter straping in One Direction and five times while straping back and forth and only firing after changing straight directions.


Now if you don't One Clip the target, reload, refresh the target's health, and start again, we're going to now proceed to do the same thing on the farthest moving targets. Again, one clip the target 10 times while counterstretching in one direction, and the next five times while standing completely still, focusing on controlling the recoil by slightly pulling down and keeping each burst as condensed as possible.

This will help you get used to the shot rhythm needed for consistent DPS at long ranges. We're going to switch to a controller where things are a little different because, oddly, even if you strafe mid burst, your shots will still manage to land most of the time, and you will not be punished as harshly as I am for making abrupt movements in between bursts, giving you a little bit more freedom to move more spontaneously.

And incorporate other movements, such as crouching, that will throw off your opponent's aim and increase their time to kill. I don't know what it is about the roller and this weapon specifically, and I'm not just talking about aim assist because even when it's not activated by counter-strafing, your burst will still land the majority of the time.


It is almost as if the target's hit boxes increased, allowing the burst with a lot of dispersion between each bullet to still land. I'm not overhyping it, but this gun absolutely shreds on the sticks. I found it way easier to use than the current F-Car and just as forgiving as the AKM. I just can't stress it to you guys enough.

It is crazy how powerful this is on the controller. Anyhow, to practice those mid-range engagements on the roller, we're going to first get on heavy and use C4 to explode and get rid of the barriers, then swap back to medium and proceed to counter strafe, allowing the target to dictate our strafe direction so that we can activate rotational aim assists.

how to get better aim in

On top of that, I also want you to incorporate 1-second crouches while firing at the target. With the amount of consistency and bullet magnetism that the controller has to offer, you have the luxury of crouching while having very little impact on bullet dispersion. So first, acquire your target. Center it while in a hip fire before going into ads this is to fully utilize the aim snap mechanic and then counter strafe to allow rotational aim assist to kick in One Clip and eliminate the closest moving Target 15 times then move on to the farthest moving Target without crouching this time though and one clip it 10 times remember to only fire when the target is centered and rotational aim assist has activated, then what you're going to do next is one clip the target while standing completely still to help you get used to the burst Pace that is needed to land all your shots at far ranges, just like we did on the M andk variation, now lastly we're going to practice one more scenario, and that is downward angle tracking I want you to make your way up here and aim for these two moving targets.

I want you to find a decent head glitch and stand still while firing and shooting at the pace that provides you with the highest DPS and consistency. What this will do is not only form a good habit of utilizing height and head glitches to gain the most advantage, but also train an aspect of aiming that is often overlooked.

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Welcome to the ultimate FAMAS masterclass and aim training guide brought to you by yours truly! In this comprehensive video, we dive deep into the intricacies of mastering the FAMAS on both MnK and Controller setups, ensuring you're equipped with the skills to dominate the battlefield. Whether you're a seasoned pro looking to refine your FAMAS skills or a newcomer seeking expert guidance, this guide is tailored for players of all levels. With detailed tips and techniques, I'll help you sharpen your aim and maximize your effectiveness with this powerful weapon.
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