10 More Must-learn Tips For The Finals

finals fps

That little bit of damage that he can deal with may actually win you that gunfight. Now the next one is very handy to know this is going to save you a lot of time and this is to do with the buttons that will sort of activate those lifts, or in some cases activate the little barriers around the map something that I didn't know is that if you actually shoot, these it will do the same as running up and pressing the button, which means you can obviously do it from a distance and that is going to save you a lot of time especially when it comes through those lifts around the map even the draw bridges that there are if you are running up to one of those for example you can obviously, shoot it rather than running up and pressing it and then by the time you've actually gotten there the draw bridge for example, will already be down and you can make your way across.

Now, next on the list, we have one that I'm sure a lot of people already know, but this is almost an extension. Of the ones that I've been seeing around the place in terms of articles and stuff on Reddit and on Twitter, this is the fact that you can obviously put C4 and stuff on the barrels and throw them, but you can also do this with mines as well.


As you guys can see, if I put some C4 on this explosive barrel and send it down range, then it is obviously going to be able to be blown up as it hits that enemy, and it can deal a hell of a lot of damage now. I'm sure a lot of you guys knew that already, but what I actually didn't know initially is that you can also do this with mines, both the explosive mines as well as just the gas mines, and I'm pretty sure this will be the case for the Pyro mines and even the glitch traps.

As you can see, when I put a mine on it, it still works exactly the same; the only difference is that it makes the barrel a hell of a lot slower. I'm assuming they've done that for balancing reasons. Because this is actually a little bit better than the C4 method in that it obviously will blow up by default when it gets close enough to that enemy rather than you obviously need to time it when it is the C4, because it won't blow up on its own, so if you aren't running C4, you can still do this with the barrels.

free shooter

Like I said, it will be a little bit slower, but that being said, it can still be very deadly, and it can often result in a one-hit kill. The next one is a little bit obscure. I'm not going to lie to you guys, but this is the fact that you can actually break buildings in this game not only with the explosives, which I'm sure you guys all knew already, but you can actually do it by literally just shooting at them as well.

This is obviously a very hard thing to do, and it is going to take you a hell of a lot of time, as you can see in the clip in the background. Even in fast forward, this is taking quite some time to do, but if you and your teammates don't have any explosives, for example, and maybe there are no barrels left on the map, it is down to the final objective, and you just really have to get into a building where they've got mines everywhere, and it's just, you know, perfectly set up for defending.


Then, if you all shoot at the same spot on the roof, for example, it can actually take that out quite a lot quicker than in this clip, and it is still very handy to know. Like I said, it's pretty obscure. I don't imagine this is really ever going to help anyone win a game, but you just never know when, obviously, if it comes down to a do-or-die situation, that can actually help you out, so this is a pretty random one but definitely helpful to know nonetheless.


Last but not least, we have one that has to do with the zip lines in this game, and this is the fact that you can actually destroy the zip lines not only just with explosives. Which again I'm sure everyone knew already, but you can actually just shoot these or even just melee them to remove those zip lines from the map now this can be really handy for cutting off enemies once you've begun the cash out for example, often times there will be locations, for those cash outs where really the only ways to get there are by zip lines or by taking you know a really annoying staircase, or something like that and obviously if you destroy those zip lines it's going to leave the enemies with really only one way to get there so you should definitely get in the habit of doing this obviously you want to make sure that you have planted it first yourself otherwise your teammates aren't going to be able to get there but once you know that area is kind of locked down you've got the cash out planted.

Then definitely get in the habit of destroying those zip lines; it could honestly be the difference between winning and losing a game. But anyway, guys, those are 10 more things that you may not have known about the finals.

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