100 The Finals Tips And Tricks - Learn Everything

Right at the edge of getting a speed boot, the closer the cash out is to finishing, the closer the spawns will be. Whenever you see a bright, shining light, these are the snipers, aiming down their sights at you. Use cover and try to close the distance you can take them out. Every kill is an extra $200.

So if the game is really close, go for some extra kills, which might just be what you need to win the match. If you were wondering when the enemies are going to respawn, you can actually see the respawn timer in the top left. If you want to level up the battle pass quickly, don't forget to do your daily and weekly challenges, as these will be quick and easy ways to get XP.

Make multiple, different contestants, and you can easily switch between specializations. Without needing to edit them every single time, always try to play to your strength, and this is why I don't play with shotguns or snipers very often. It's not that they're bad; I'm just not good with them myself, and I get much more value using other weapons.

I play around enemy trophies, so if they're not able to get the revive off, they'll be forced to either get the team wiped or use their token. For this next tip, I had to learn the hard way. You can't open doors while you're stunned, and the best thing you do 90% of the time is to just shoot back light.

Players only have 150. Health, so even after getting stunned, there's a lot of times where you can still win the gunfight if you attach Goo to a turret. And then you take down the turret; it will take down the goo with it. Always warm up before playing rank so you can be at your best. I personally recommend the banket game mode for warming up because you can get into a lot of gun plates and you don't need to wait so long to respawn.

I was surprised a lot of players didn't know this but you can put multiple weapons in your deserve don't put flashy, skins on mind yes they look cool but the whole point of minds are to catch the enemies off guard if they stand out then it sort of defeats the entire purpose, use your ping more often as long as you keep line of sight With the enemy you ping it will directly follow them making it full on wall hacks for your teammates if you have a heavy with a mes shield on your team have them go on the zip line first this is because they can hold their shield and protect the team when a cloaked player takes damage it forces them out of their invisibility.

This makes throwing gas grenades at doorways, really strong as they have no way of getting through the evasive Dash will take you in whatever Direction you were looking you can even look straight up when your dash and get to hard to reach places quickly if you want the enemies to spawn further away wait for them to respawn before putting the Vault money into the cash up as soon as you start the cash they will spawn closer, as a medium player when you have to get across the map fast switch to the zipline especially if you have two medium players one can be on zip line and the other can have a jump pad you can place turrets on objects I'm not sure if this would ever be useful but it's fun to do and you can show it off to your friends now something that you should try to never do is take zip lines or laterals in front of your enemy these force you into a predictable, path and makes you an easy target for anyone who sees you have a dedicated, three stack if possible the finals is a team game without any team play you are putting yourself at a massive disadvantage.

Find two other players you enjoy playing with and try to queue up with them whenever possible. Then, you need to make sure you are using the best loadout possible so you aren't holding yourself back. If you want to find out which loadout you should be using, check out this article up on the screen now.

I have compiled 100 tips and tricks in The Finals and put them all in this video.
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