The Ultimate Aim Training Guide 2.0. No Bs. The Finals 2024

Recoil warmup

Recoil warmup

Bouns , so for this warm-up. I want you to go to this position and try your best to one-clip the dummy while maintaining composure and recoil. Eliminate 10 dummies to complete the warm-up.

Dynamic/static tracking scenario

Now let's move on to our first tracking scenario, which is smooth dynamic tracking. While standing, still track the first two moving dummies while gently gripping the mouse, prioritizing smoothness first, then precision.

Remember, the tighter you grip the mouse, the more inaccurate you will be. Eliminate 20 targets before moving. On for the next track and scenario, we'll be performing it in the same way we did the last, but this time we're going to include every target within 50 m and add a layer of movement while utilizing counter-strafing for the moving targets.

beginner guide

Again, counter-strafing is when you're strafing in the opposite direction of the opponent. However, what I forgot to mention at the beginning of this article is that this technique indirectly promotes recoil smoothing, which is a mechanic that negates the majority of recoil when moving the reticle in the opposite direction of your strafe.

For this scenario, I want you to still use the barrier and crop every time you need to reload. Eliminate 40 targets in total.

Dynamic strafe tracking

Dynamic strafe tracking

Before moving on, we have scenario three, which is strafe tracking. AKA, mirroring: make sure the reticle is stationary and track the target by mimicking their movements. Now I want you to stand behind the barrier again and mirror the two closest moving targets.

On a side note. I want to be clear and say that even though I highly recommend counter-strafing over mirroring in almost every close to mid-range engagement, there will be a time when mirroring is your only option because of all the random variables that can obstruct your movement in this game. You want to add a layer of difficulty for you and the opponent.

I've got another way to do the scenario, so rather than standing behind the barrier, I want you to get in front of it and track the same two targets. The only thing different we're going to do is add a couple of crouches to add a layer of difficulty for the opponent, and yes, for you, but trust me, you're going to survive a lot more fights.

beginner tips

Doing it this way eliminates 20 targets before moving on to the final and most underrated tracking scenario.

Roof dynamic tracking

Roof Dynamic Tracking If you're a team player and don't consider every game mode to be a deathmatch, this type of tracking is extremely important in lower-level lobbies. You'll realize that this tracking is either neglected completely or underutilized because a lot of players want to get uploads and personal so they can understand what it feels like to deep throw a Heavy's automatic.

Shotgun; however, in higher-level lobbies, they won't fly. Finding good positioning on the high ground with your teammates is always a top priority you're going to have to get used to and learn how to track close to far range. Targets at a downward angle are that you should be utilizing cover and head glitching rather than moving.


Just stand still on the upper ledges attached to the wall and beam down the first moving target in the fire range and the target that is moving around the building if available, all while maintaining composure and recoil. eliminate the targets 10 times before moving on to our final category in this training routine.

Quick target acquisition

Quick target acquisition

and that is target acquisition: this scenario will improve your ability to acquire your target efficiently as well as decrease the amount of micro adjustments when going into ads, helping you first identify the target, censor them while in hip fire, then proceed to aim down sights, eliminating the target, so make your way up to the roof and grab your gun of choice in this scenario.

I want you to be constantly moving while waiting for the next target. You can jump into the Target or slide into it, but make sure to always first identify the Center, then ads, every time you engage a Target.

Extra credit snap-fire sniper

eliminate 20 targets back to back to complete the scenario, so I know I told you guys this was the last one, but I do have some extra credit for you if you're a sniper fanatic like I am and want to pull off Clips like these Go to the firing range again, then crouch behind the barrier.


First, stand up, identify the target, center it, aim down, and fire. Within 2 seconds, then again, crawl behind the barrier to reload, rinse, wash, and repeat. This is what I call snap firing; it is to help you be more decisive with your shots rather than spending too much time while scoping, allowing self-doubt to segue in as well as leaving an opening for your opponent to shoot you in the back.

In other words, a cloaked light player with a sought-after shotgun, so just get into the rhythm of acquiring and centering, Firing, One, two, fire. One Two Fire, one two, fire. If you decide to snipe in this game, you have to be mobile and spend as little time as possible aiming down sights. You either find and shoot your target within 2 seconds or move on and find another angle. If not, you leave your butt cheeks explosing to be clapped by every class in the game.



And that's about it. I want to add a little disclaimer here just like I usually do, letting you know that doing this routine will definitely warm you up. There is no doubt about it, but if not done four to five times a week for a 3 to 4 we period by either doing the entire routine or splitting up the categories into two different days, you will not see significant results.


Long-term improvements to the fundamental aim are achieved through consistency. So I'm adding this post-production because I wanted to apologize for getting this out so quickly. Although I could have had this training guide done sooner. I didn't think it was right to release anything that was less than the best I could offer you, especially when I'm making a guide that requires your time investment, thus turning a article that could have been made in a week into an entire month's project, just to ensure that what I was presenting to you today was not only tested by me for an extended period of time but also has a huge return on investment as well as being time efficient.

allowing you to get back into the arena as fast as possible. With that being said, though. As usual, though, I hope you guys are staying warm and safe.

Unlock precision and dominate The Finals with this ULTIMATE Aim Training Guide 2. NO BS! Elevate your gameplay as I show you expert tips and tricks on how to get better aim in The Finals after release in Season 1 of 2024. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting, this comprehensive guide is your key to mastering The Finals aim skills and fundamentals.
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