50 Tips To Dominate The Finals

Keep this in mind, especially if you want to block those zip lines off; it will make it a lot easier. That being said, while Goo is fairly sturdy, it can easily be destroyed by explosions and fire abilities if you're using a light to load out.

As for a weapon, the current best weapons to use are the v9s and lh1. If you're playing a medium loadout, the best weapon will be the AKM. You can use the F car if you want a sight, and you know that you're able to hit almost every shot because it has very good damage per second but a ridiculously small magazine size.

finals tips

Personally, I don't think it's worth the risk, and you won't be able to spray transfer onto other enemies. Medium's heal beam can out heal the toxic gas, so if there's gas on a cash out station and you have a medium on your team with a heal beam, you're able to out heal the damage from the gas to steal the cash out.

If you're playing a heavy loadout, you're going to want to use the SA 1216 or the Lewis gun as a primary. In addition to that, if you are playing heavy, carrying the RPG is practically a must. It will allow you to open up walls anywhere on the map, even from range, and even act as a way to get some free kills on the topic of weapons.

It's also worth noting that all the guns in the finals are hit-scan, so the bolts will go right where you point your gun. There's no need to lead your shots. If you want to win as much as possible, make sure that you play in a full pre-made stack, even if you aren't using any try-hard strategies or call-outs.

full release

Just having two friends on the same page will put you miles ahead of the random soloist. One of those strategies can be letting your light or heavy teammate play on the front line while you, as a medium, stay behind with a healing beam on top of them. This allows your teammate to keep taking pressure or holding space and heal up any damage that might hit them by running and crouching, and then following up with a jump, you can pull off a slide cancel.

This could be done pretty fast, even from a standing position. Make sure the froy slide cancels in when repositioning, midf fight, or after finishing up a reload to stay on the move and make yourself difficult to hit, that being said, unlike many other games with slide cancels. Slide canceling doesn't actually give you a net benefit to your rotation speed.

This means that if you run from point A to B while spamming slide cancels, you'll end up at your destination way later than your teammates, who simply just ran their way there. You can actually get an additional speed boost off of a slide if you slide off of an edge; this is also known as an edge boost.


While you can get kills with the breach charge, it has a pretty small range and is pretty unreliable. I wouldn't use it for kills, and I would keep it to create openings in the heat of battle. One of the best ways to get better at the game is to learn the maps and what you can destroy to give you advantages against other teams.

Practically everything can be destroyed, so just be creative. The pyro grenade can actually damage enemies through the floor, so if the cash out is above you and you know enemies are camping, throwing a pyro grenade into the ceiling from the floor below can force them to reposition and even do a bit of damage to them before you push in and clean up.


That being said, if you ever find that you can't get into a room, you can just blow up the floor from underneath and either force an enemy down to your floor or, who knows, maybe even the cash out while generally a reposition. Or offensive tool The jump pad can be used defensively as well. You can either place it in front of a doorway to make it impossible to pass through that doorway without taking the pad first, or you can place it on a choke, and it has to pass through the end of a zip line or at the end of a ladder.

If the enemy is forced to take it and gets launched up into the air, they will turn into an easy, predictable target for you to track and then beam. If you have a lot of horizontal movement, like when you come out of a jump pad onto higher ground, you can either hop to keep some of the momentum or hold Crouch as you land to keep sliding forward, the light-class evasive Dash is impacted by where your camera is pointed.

If you are looking up when you're using the dash, you will gain more height vertically, and if you look down, you'll stay on a more flat horizontal trajectory. While it looks scary, the heavy shield isn't as tough as you might think. If you see a heavy cowering behind it, you could easily break it with an AK magazine or a little bit of focus fire from your team.


Only whoever holds the cash out in the very last second matters. So making the play in the last moment is pretty viable as well. Just keep in mind that full WIP teams will spawn closer to the point the closer you are to closing out the cash out other than one. The sledgehammer for the heavy class can be used to quickly demolish entire buildings by using the secondary fire key.

The zip line set already there by the end of the match can be destroyed by getting shot, punched, sledg hammered, or just blown up by an explosive. The same goes for ladders, or really just anything in the game, if I'm going to be honest. Speaking of destroying, if you destroy half of the walls of a building, this will make any of the floors above you fall over.

hidden mechanics

Turrets can actually be placed on walls, and just like with goo, you can stand on top of them, so you can use both goo and turrets to create makeshift stairs to wherever you would want to go, and finally, a bit of a different tip, but I'll say that's one of the best strategies. Especially if you're playing a light class that is constantly switching up your angles and taking off angles.

I've noticed that if there is a fight in a room underneath you, you can simply blow up the floor and take a head glitch from above and get absolutely free kills on completely unsuspecting people and enemies, and those were 50 tips.

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