The Finals: 20. Tips 99% Of Players Don't Know

This technology will allow you to reach floors and roofs way faster than anyone else, giving you a huge advantage. Whether it's getting to the vault first or getting to high ground to shoot down on enemies, doing this technique is super simple, and with practice, anyone can get it down consistently.

All you have to do is make sure you're inside the window sill, then back up and jump. Once you're out of the window, sill go forward and look up, then mantle. After some practice, this will become natural. To take this a step further, you can jump on your roofs or hard-to-reach spots by using a straight jump or jump off of little things around the map, like a balcony fence or even a vault or throwable.

With some practice and experimentation, you'll be surprised at how many things you can reach that will consistently throw enemies off guard, moving on to jump pads. The most optimal way of getting launched far is by putting jump heads on slopes. I know most of you already know that, but did you know you can put jump heads on slopes, giving them the slope?

There are tons of ways to use this technology, some more practical than others, but a great way to use it is combined with the heavy goo gun. You can easily jump onto a team and catch them off guard for an easy wipe if done correctly with some coordination. Next, and one of my favorite tips in this article, is getting up the stairs on the highway.

I'm not sure if this has a name yet, but man, is it useful and extremely fun to use and experiment with?

This doesn't work on every staircase in the game, but about half of them, I would say, work fine, and others, well, you're just going to have to get a little creative. The last movement technique I have for you guys right now is simply learning the man-to-man distance. You'd be surprised at how high you can reach if that really doesn't make sense.

When inside some buildings, try jumping up through the destroyed ceiling; you might just pop up on another floor. Like I mentioned earlier, use all the things around the map to maximize your reach.

In this video I give 20 tips you need to add to your arsenal. From movement techs to the best ability use, you'll find it all here.
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