Ultimate Movement Guide For The Finals

Slide into pads

To hit you whenever you go into a jump pad and slide into it to go further. As you can see here, it takes you further, and you move faster in the air, making it harder to hit.

The only time I would suggest not sliding into a pad is if you want to go directly up, in which case walking onto it would be better before we hop into the build-specific movement.


Tech, there's a couple things I would like to mention; according to YouTube, only 20%. It is completely free, and it means a lot to creators like.

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Me And if you're looking for a safe place to chat about the game or you need new players to team up with, make sure you join my Discord server, which you can find on LinkedIn.

Evasive dash tips

In the description below, so for the light build, there's a ton of unique movement tech that you want to be taking advantage of, so most players only ever dash straight ahead of them, but you can dash in any direction as long as you're holding that directional input, so if I want to dash backwards.

I'll hold s or backwards on my left thumb stick and then dash, or if I want to dash to the left or the right. I would hold down a or D or push my left thumb stick to the left or right before dashing, and then you can also dash on a diagonal. If you choose now, this is much better than turning your camera and then dashing, as it allows you to keep your gun pointed towards the enemy the entire time.


You can also dash vertically. By looking straight up before you dash, this is really useful for getting up to hard-to-reach places, as it takes you up higher than a standard jump. Then you can also dash downward, which comes in handy when you accidentally hit a jump pad or you're stuck floating in the air. Low gravity being in the air makes you a very easy target as you have no cover and you move in a predictable path, so you should be using your dash to quickly get to the ground, so we had to cover the basics of the evasive dash so we can get into the more advanced tech.

Pad dash

Pad dash

This next one I call a pad dash, so when you do your normal slide onto a jump pad, you don't go that far, and you're still a bit slow.

Even if you dash at the height of your jump boost, you aren't going much further. Instead, use your evasive dash onto the jump pad, and you will get a ton of distance very fast. You can also do this on the jump pads that the medium players use. However, that still won't help.

Nerf the nukes

Nerf the nukes, Thanks for the comment, and you can also take the pad sideways using the trick we just mentioned.

Use grappling hook properly


To use your grappling hook effectively, you need to know how to use your movement keys to help guide you. you basically want to move your directional input in the opposite direction of where you want to go so if I want to get on top of this ledge and I hold W or forward on my left thumb stick I'm going to face plant right underneath the ledge now if I do the same thing but I hold s or backwards on my left thumb stick it will pull me over the ledge, it works the same if you want to Grapple something on the side if I try to get up here I want to be holding the directional.

Input in the opposite direction of where the ledge is. It's also worth noting that the grapple works even if you're facing the other direction.

Grapple dash

Grapple dash

Using the grappling hook, you can do a budget dash. All you have to do is grapple towards the ground in front of you, and then make sure you jump before you reach the end of the grapple. This will carry your momentum forward and can help you get around a lot faster. I said it was a budget dash, but in reality, it's probably a lot better than a dash because you go further and you keep more momentum.

You should also be using bunny hops after you grapple dash to keep the extra speed as long as possible.

Fly around the map (barrel grapples)

Now, for an actual, advanced grapple trick, using the grappling hook and some barrels, you can fly around the map. All you have to do is attach your motion sensor to the side of the barrel, and then you want to grab the barrel from the opposite side.

Once you grab it, throw it, and then grapple with it, This is definitely a montage worthy of movement.

Sword dash

movement guide

Tech, once you get the hang of it , then this next trick is for anyone trying to get good with a sword, so if I do a secondary fire with a sword, it gives me a little boost around. Here, then, if you do an evasive dash, it takes you a little bit further.

About here, then, if I use my secondary fire, and then immediately. Dash it takes you even further, this is super useful for sword players, as the hardest part about using it is closing the distance between you and your enemy, then for the medium build with the jump pad, of course you want to be sliding onto it most of the time to get the speed and the distance, then if you want to get a quick slide onto a pad, what you want to do is hold it while you are running, then you want to look forwards.

Quick pad slide

Quick pad slide

Or a little bit up to the sky, then you want to slide and place your pad directly after. The most important thing is that you aren't looking down when you do it; otherwise, you will place it right behind you and you won't hit the pad at.

Angled pads

All in all, it's also worth noting that if you place a pad on a slope, it will give you more speed and distance in the direction the pad is facing.

Turret climb

If you place your pad on a goo, it allows you to get a lot more control over the angle of your jump pad, and if you don't have a jump pad or you want to save it, you can place down turrets on the side of buildings and use them to climb up now into the heavy build.

Goo climb

We have the same idea, except this time we are using the goo gun.

Goo tower

You can also make a goo tower by jumping, then shooting goo under your feet, and then keeping repeating this until you reach your desired height. Just make sure you wait a moment between jumps; otherwise, you might get jump fatigue and the goo will push.

Goo bridge

movement tech

Off the tower, you can also make a goo bridge by shooting a straight line of goo between two points you want to cross; these goo tricks aren't anywhere.

Close to the light or medium builds movement, but it's the best.

Barricade climb

We have then another niche movement trick for heavy: placing a barricade and then using it to climb up to hard-to-reach places. Movement is essential if you want to be a high-trigger in the finals, but it won't do much for you unless you master the fundamentals.

Of the game, which is why you need to watch this article of 100 tips and tricks to learn everything about the finals, and if you already watched it. YouTube thinks you would like to watch this article up on the screen now.

In this video I compiled all of the best movement tech in The Finals and explained how to perform each one. I also have light, medium, and heavy build specific movement tips and tricks towards the end of the video.
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