The Finals: 50 Tips Every New Player Needs To Know

finals tierlist

Just remember that if you fall, you need to have a medium with either a jump pad or a zipline to get back up. If you place jump pads, mines, or anything else, you can immediately pick them up, which will reset the use timer and allow you to use that item again. This can be really helpful if you misplace any of your Gap gadgets.

If you hear this sound, that means a team has just been wiped out. You can also tell if a team has been wiped by just looking at their statues. When a player dies, they drop a statue that their teammates can interact with to revive them, but if a team wipes, their statues will disappear. If you can't check for their statues, however, you could also just hold tab.

There will be a skull next to each player's name to indicate that they are dead. This could be super helpful to check in a chaotic fight involving multiple teams, giving you the information you need to win. Also, be sure to have your announcer volume turned up in the settings, as they often give important information such as when a team wipes respawns or if there's only one player left on a team.

finals tips

All of this information is very useful, and the best part is that the announcers just give it to you, so be sure to have their volume turned up. If you're playing medium, it's important to know that when you revive your teammates with the defibrillator, it only brings them back to about half HP, so be sure to heal them right away, fortunately for your teammates.

However, there's a 2C window after being revived where the player is invincible. This gives you enough time to heal them before they're immediately killed, so this can be super annoying to play against sometimes because you'll spray all your bullets at an invincible target, so be sure to keep this in mind.

The heal beam takes a long time to recharge if you let it overheat, but luckily the game tells you its heat level. Simply look at the icon in the middle of the healing gun, and when it starts to reach the top, it's time to switch back to your gun for a second. It takes less time for it to cool down that way, first letting it overheat and then waiting for that animation to finish.

full release

If feeling isn't your thing, though, remember that you can make different loadouts in the menu. This way, you can have a different setup for each character. For instance, one of your mediums can be set as healer and the other as recon. This will give you the freedom to quickly switch rolls without constantly editing your primary loadout.

I recommend the F car in the medium class, at least if you consistently hit your shots, but if your aim is a bit shaky, the AK is a great second option with a lot more ammo, so it's just a little more forgiving for bad aim for your gadgets. I'd run the jump pad defibrillator and grenades, but I'll leave this specification up to you in the light class.

I like to use either the XP54 or the double-barrel shotgun, but it really depends on your play style and what your primary specialization is for your gadgets. I like to run with the glitch grenades, stun gun, and vanishing bomb, as I believe this gives you the most versatility in the light class, regardless of your specialization.


On the heavy side, the shotgun is completely busted right now, especially with the current animation cancellation glitch going around, but if shotguns aren't your thing, the Lewis gun is definitely the next best option for ranking. As for your gadgets, I like to run the Dome Shield RPG and C4, as this gives you the absolute best fragging potential as well as great defense with the Dome Shield as the heavy.

You can use your RPG and C4 to destroy this bridge on the map Soul, which will force your opponents to funnel through the single green bridge remaining. This makes this cashout by far the easiest to defend and the hardest to attack. If you ever want to level up the battle pass quickly, then remember to check your daily and weekly challenges.


That way, you're maximizing the amount of XP you can get. The finals are a team game, and communication and coordination are really important, so if you're playing without a full three stack, consider trying to find some friends to play with, even if they aren't that good, because at the end of the day, any amount of communication and teamwork is better than nothing, and the game is free, so it really shouldn't be too hard to find two other players to join you.

Finally, just remember to have fun, as the developers made this game with you having fun in mind. If you take things too seriously, you'll distract yourself from what the game was really meant for, and that will overall negatively affect your experience. So just remember to have fun, and don't forget to like this article if you found it helpful.

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