The Finals - Ultimate Movement Guide "20 Tips To Make You Better

Mantle jump backwards

Mantle jump backwards

So in the game , you can also man-jump. So as we're going towards Windows, we're jumping towards Windows. Utilizing it, you can also mangle off objects and go straight up, but when you mangle off this object, you can also press space, and it takes you back. That's letting go of all your buttons on your screen, on your keyboard, or on your controller, so let go of your movement keys in general when you let go of your movement keys.

So if someone's chasing you and you make a jump, jump backwards, and then hit them, you know it gives you a couple opportunities to make some crazy stuff happen in the game. I believe I can jump over.

Mantle jump forward

It is quicker to press space. Continuously, like that, instead of me actually walking over the obstacle.

I can just jump over it instantaneously, or we do our other technique when you jump and then go and press space as well so you don't fully climb it, and after the mantle, a stray goes into a space jump, which then I can utilize to my advantage.

Jump pad tips

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Kill Target and obviously jump P. Jump P is simple with its moov technique; just slide towards it and you gain the horizontal, and if you just walk towards it, you gain the vertical; in the majority of cases, it's much more.

Vertical, and then depending on where you put your jump pad, put your jump pad on a slanted object like this that will make you bounce more towards that angle than actually sliding off it, so you can just walk on it and it will fling you into that arrow down there straight away.

Evasive dash (light class)

Evasive dash (light class)

That's on in the medium classes only, so another thing in the game is an evasive dash that only belongs to the light classes, and by doing so, you're able to jop forward as well. It's not bad on its own; it's very effective.

Evasive dashes for roof tops

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Just jolting forward for extra movement is always greatly appreciated, you can utilize this to just gain as much distance towards any area that you want to get to so if I can't get there naturally through a zip line which I don't have one here can actually just go with my ability, charge it and now I'm up here and I'm hitting targets as well you know so that aspect there is very useful on its own so you can chain it to gain more movement, throughout the verticality, and carry your own horizontal speed through there to Glide across the map and get to a higher point or continue from one high point to another and jump to high wind window so in this case easy like that and just jump in and hit targets what it may be, so that's a good opportunity as well So with your evasive dash, you can zigzag with it as well, so if a target's over there shooting at me.

Evasive dashes for enhanced strafing

I can go with my movement, so obviously, go straining left to right. You go ahead, your vase dash will go ahead, go backwards, your vase dash will go backwards, as you can see, quite quickly, but if you want to do the zipzag, you can actually go from side to side and press the button there, then press the button back and hit the target.

It's so much easier to utilize in conjunction when you have it on the mouse button compared to just pressing Q on the keyboard, but it will help you out drastically in situations where you need to utilize it or it makes it hard to hit the enemy target. It's very important because on the enemy target screen, they're seeing you zip from there, and they just like to go from side to side if you stop zipping; they constantly have to reach us while you're always on them as you're going through it.

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You know, that's really nice and also a fun fact. You can also reload and dash at the same time, so it's a good way to utilize that as a way to reload before going for a full combat engagement.

Evasive dash tips

Evasive dash tips

Around the target, it's also like circling, so you can go around the target and circle around the target as you're pretty much killing them, and it's very easy.

You can also shoot between that actual animation as well, and you don't have to stop for anything; you just keep shooting around the target quite quickly. Target, and I'm reloading, and then killing. So that mechanic there is really good for the light CL. That's why many people are playing light cuz ofas Dash and it just works wonders, so utilizing theas Dash to advantage there while keeping your aim there and remaining with good aim between engagements will help you out drastically.

Circling targets and good tip

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And you can also hit targets like this quite quickly and then go towards them, circle around them, and kill them. You know, I love those options that you can have in light class, making you super agile. Obviously, even in situations where an RPG is coming towards you from a heavy class, if you're able to evasive dash backwards, sometimes you can actually survive that and you won't die, because if an RPG hits you from a heavy class, you're pretty much dead.

It does like 150 damage; it's kind of insane. So, that's an easy way for a heavy class to kill you, but with this ability, you don't really die because it's so quick, and it's also forgiving on zip.

Zipline jumping

Zipline jumping

Lanes you have a couple options with this when it's sled down like this or even on the horizontal ones there can still work there but not as much as a sled one when you utilize it usually you stop to a certain position which is over here so we're pretty far.

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With utilizing this already, just by using a normal zip line and landing there, it is not too bad, but you can actually make this better, so if you go towards the zip line and utilize it, then jump towards the end, you can actually glide a little bit more and get towards a further distance, which will help with just horizontal movement in verticality through zip lines, which you can use as a way to enter as well into certain areas with targets. Being kind of surprised that you just fly past them is quite nice for that aspect, and you pretty much gain a lot of distance compared to the normal jump which was over here or the normal zip line lets you go over here in this case you're being let go from this position close around here which is very nice so a bit of distance, just from that one thing and all you need to do is just jump towards this point here so in that zip line you're jumping over there so you're pressing jump when you get have point there on the zip line and by doing so you'll be able to get flinged across towards that area instead of being there so very useful as well.

Zipline jumping slide

Zipline jumping slide

My look at that distance. For the jump slide, you can use that as a combination as well when you jump slide out of it and be able to reach the end there as well from a zip line. But the sliding jump slide or the slide out of the zip line sometimes gets a bit buggy, but when it does work, you'll be able to cover crazy distances.

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